Walker Turner restore project

Sorry my pictures aren't very good. I bought this little jewel at a pawn shop for 50.00 thinking I would get it working and sell it for a hundred. The last photo is what it looked like when I got it. The more I worked on it, the better I liked it so I decided to restore and keep it. It's a Walker-Turner Driver Series Bench Top Drill Press. 13" swing and 4 speeds, 600, 1000, 2000, 3500 rpm. Capable of much higher speeds, acording to the spec sheet can be fitted with 3450rpm motor for shaping and routing. I completely disassembled, bead blasted and restored with hammer finish (next best thing to powder coat) to very close to original color. Has original bearings but is still tight and quiet and a very well made machined. The only parts I had to replace were the motor, belt tensioning knob, spring housing, drill chuck and depth stop knurled nuts. You can see in the before photo that an inovative owner had replaced the broken quill return spring with a coil spring and steel cable wrapped around the pinion shaft. I replaced the sping and housing with one for an old 10ER Shopsmith. I mounted a new Dayton 1/2 1725rpm cap start motor, new switch and cord, and New/old stock Jacobs 1/2" drill chuck and key. It has quick locking levers on headstock height and table height and position and quill lock. The table can be tilted and has a tappered pin to rezero at level. The quill feed bar slides to where you want it for extra leverage and is held by a spring plunger set screw. Has a few small holes drilled through the table front right portion but other than that, very nice shape. I used it for a while and loved it. Then I found a little Delta bench top (50s model I think) at an estate sale for 35.00 which I liked better so I sold the W-T several years ago. Still have the delta and love it too, especially after adding a dc motor and controller and tach. Delta drill press

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